How to Clear Your iPhone or Android Before Selling It

Buying a used or refurbished smartphone is a smart way to save money. The popularity of secondhand phones has been steadily increasing, and it’s expected to reach over 350 million units, valued at 65 billion USD, by 2024. This trend has led to a decline in the sales of new smartphones worldwide.
If you’re considering selling your old phone, now is a good time to do so!
However, no matter how you plan to sell your phone, one thing is certain: it’s essential to take precautions to ensure your device is wiped clean. If you don’t, the new owner of your phone might access your personal digital life. You definitely don’t want a stranger going through your old photos, videos, or sensitive data.
Here are some steps to make sure your Android or iOS (iPhone and iPad) devices are safe for sale. These steps also apply if you’re getting ready to dispose of your devices.
How to Clear Your Android Phone Completely.
Back Up
Everything The first and most crucial step is to back up all your data. This includes photos, videos, documents, contacts, messages, and call logs. After completing the backup, remove any additional storage devices like an SD card. Remember, it’s a good practice to create multiple backups, both physical and in the cloud.
Log Out
Sign out of all your social media accounts, various services, and especially your Google account. Delete any saved payment information from your phone. After that, make sure to completely disconnect your Google account. Don’t forget to remove your SIM card from your Android device.
Encrypt Your Device
Before performing the final factory reset, it’s important to encrypt your Android device. Why? Because a factory reset alone doesn’t guarantee that your old data won’t be accessible. Encrypting your device makes it very hard for the next owner to access any remaining data.
Perform a Factory Reset
The last step is to do a factory reset. This process can vary depending on your device, so it’s a good idea to check the instructions provided by your device’s manufacturer. Once done, your Android phone will be as good as new!
How to Clear Your iPhone Completely.
Back Up
Everything For both iPhones and iPads, you have various options to back up your data. You can use Apple’s Quick Start to transfer your content to a new Apple device. Alternatively, you can create a backup in iCloud or on your macOS computer. If you have an Apple Watch paired to your iPhone, unpair it. If you’re switching away from Apple, remember to deregister iMessage and make sure to back up your data to an external storage device or the cloud.
Log Out
Sign out of all your Apple-related accounts, including iCloud and iTunes. Don’t forget to sign out of any third-party service accounts as well.
Reset Your Phone
To reset your iPhone, go to Settings, then General, and find the Reset option. From there, select “Erase All Content and Settings.” Make sure to remove this device from your list of trusted devices. This procedure will return your iPhone to its initial state.